Saturday, August 26, 2006


SVN and CVS eclipse plugins.

Today I have used SVN for the first time and I got mixed feeling about SVN plugin for Eclipse.

Overwall it works ok , however there were couple of things that confused me.

A lot of people claim SVN to be faster, but I really did not feel it. To me it seemed to have no better performance than CVS.

Many times, when integrating other people changes to CVS, I just place updated file over existing and commit. When I tried to do that using eclipse SNV plugin, it marked file as deleted. I needed to open file and use cut-n-paste to replace its content. Seems a little weird to me and CVS is much straightforward in this.

SVN has file locking - this is a good thing, becuase many tims you need to lock a file while working on it and merge really complicate things, rather solves issues. Developers suppose to talk one with each other about changes, but it does not work at times.

My final conclusion that I will need to think if I really want to use SVN instead of CVS.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Struts error message handling

There is a lot of material written on how to handle error messages with struts, but I would like outline implementation for specific use case that I had to implement today.

There is a form that does some work Once user submit the form, action performed and user redirected back to the initial page with form, displaying either error message in red color or success message in green color.
Message should be displayed only once, and subsequent refresh of the page should not display neither success or error message. No ".do" url should ever appear in address bar

Create "success" and "error" message bundles and use 2 different instances of tag to control presentation. Make sure that in the action code either "success" or "error" resources keys are passed, not both. Errors then saved on the session, in order to survive http redirect. jsp page has logic for transering error o

Important Implementation points:
Implementation Steps

1. Create
uc1_struts_error.success=This is a success

2. Create
uc1_struts_error.error=This is error

Configure and in struts-config.xml
Add entries below to the struts-config.xml
<message-resources parameter="com.igrapp.u1_strutserror.ErrorResources" key="errorBundle" />
<message-resources parameter="com.igrapp.u1_strutserror.SuccessResources" key="successBundle"/>

4. Code action.
DynaActionForm f = (DynaActionForm)form;
ActionMessages msg = new ActionMessages();

String test = f.getString("test");
if ( test == null || test.trim().length() == 0 ) {
msg.add(null, new ActionMessage( "uc1_struts_error.error"));
} else {
msg.add(null, new ActionMessage( "uc1_struts_error.success"));


saveErrors(req.getSession(), msg);
return mapping.findForward("success");

4. Add action and DynaForm into struts-config.xml
<form-bean name="MyForm"
<form-property name="test" type="java.lang.String"/>

Add code to jsp page.
Object o = session.getAttribute( "org.apache.struts.action.ERROR");
if ( o != null ) {
request.setAttribute( "org.apache.struts.action.ERROR", o);
session.removeAttribute( "org.apache.struts.action.ERROR");

<font color="red"><html:errors bundle="errorBundle"/></font>
<font color="green"><html:errors bundle="successBundle" />

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